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As someone who struggles to remain motivated, I value Luke's varied sessions and upbeat personality. Though I'm constantly encouraged to push myself further, the numerous exercises are achievable and have only become easier over time. Luke is a true professional and I can't thank him enough!

I'm chuffed with the photos. Thanks Luke, I couldn't have done it without you!



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I started a 12 week program with Luke as my online coach on March 27th completing on June 19th. My main goal was to loose weight while maintaining as much muscle mass as possible. My results were absolutely insane losing a total of 2 stone 1lb mainly from around my trunk a total of 5.1 inch measuring around my belly button. The results were that good we decided to push on to lose a total of 3 stone. There are many reasons I would and do recommend Luke i.e.. his vast knowledge on health and fitness, his experience and attitude towards health and fitness, how friendly and approachable he is as a person but the thing that really stood out to me with Luke was his words of praise and encouragement throughout. 



I have done the same thing every January start a new diet for my holiday in June and by May diet like mad to loose half a stone only to put it back on on holiday and more! Not this year, one stone 9lb lighter and a total of 10 and half inches off. The encouragement, knowledge and total belief that Luke has in you is priceless. Being able to message him when you feel like sod it keeps you so motivated. There are times when I have gone off the rails and called him a few names when I've had to do an extra work out but who is feeling the benefit now? Me! Still a bit to go but with Luke with me I'm almost there, oh and I only put 4lb on, on my holidays, already back on it!

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